
Every year, thousands of people in Canada’s public safety and first response professions suffer in silence from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This June, in honour of PTSD awareness month, Production Case is encouraging all our customers to consider a donation to Tema is a registered Canadian charity that helps PTSD sufferers from emergency response and military backgrounds.

About PTSD

PTSD is a condition in which witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event causes a psychological disorder. Events such as witnessing an accident scene, military combat, experiencing an assault, or even living through natural disasters can trigger PTSD.

PTSD symptoms and severity can vary, but can involve nightmares or flashbacks years after the event, avoidance of anything that reminds the sufferer of the event, or psychological numbing. Sometimes, the original memory of the traumatic event is buried. The symptoms are severe enough to interfere with daily life, and can lead to other issues like depression, substance abuse, and even suicide.

Since 2014, 205 Canadian public safety and military personnel have died by suicide.

How Tema Provides Support

TEMA seeks to help the men and women who serve as our firefighters, paramedics, corrections, and military personnel who suffer from PTSD. They provide counselling, peer and family support, research, education, and spread the word that “Heroes are Human”.

With your help, we can help those who protect us, and who are suffering with the aftermath of witnessing traumatic events.

Production Case has made a donation to Tema this June, and encourages everyone to do the same.

“Many of our customers come from a military or first response background,” said Peter Lever, vice-president of Production Case. “PTSD is a serious issue that arises from their service, so we wanted to give back and help support them in their struggle.”


Visit the TEMA Website to Donate

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